Americas Paralympic Committee elects new Board of Directors
APC an important regional organization in growing Para sport throughout the Americas
The Americas Paralympic Committee elected a new Board of Directors over the weekend and adopted a new constitution which will support the APC in its transition as an independent regional organization from the International Paralympic Committee, similar to other regional Paralympic organizations.
The following members were elected to the Board of Directors for 2021-2025:
• President: Julio César Avila Sarria (NPC Colombia)
• General Secretary: Liliana Suarez Carreón (NPC Mexico)
• Treasurer: Julie Dussliere (NPC USA)
• Members at Large: Jorge Alberto Ochoa Martínez (NPC El Salvador) / Christopher Livingstone Samuda (NPC Jamaica) / Luisa Villar Gálvez (NPC Perú)
The Canadian Paralympic Committee would like to congratulate the new Board members of the Americas Paralympic Committee, and thank all outgoing individuals who put so much hard work and dedication into their roles.
It has been a pleasure to work with the APC on many initiatives over the past years to develop Paralympic sport throughout the region, including the Agitos Women in Sport Leadership program, and we look forward to working together with the new Board over the next four years, which includes the Santiago 2023 Parapan American Games. There is a lot of exciting work ahead.
The APC is an important regional organization who has made significant strides in growing sport for people with a disability throughout the Americas. Its new constitution and mandate as an independent organization will make a great impact on the APC’s ability to advance the Paralympic Movement throughout North, Central, and South America.
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